U.S. Government
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Technical Support Services for a study titled: Air Emissions Associated with Decommissioning Operations for Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Platforms
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
- EIS for Maintenance of Fuel Depots in Lower Chesapeake Bay
- EIS for an Oil Products Pipeline
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- EA for Oil Platform-Based Aquaculture Project
- Pacific Energy Crude Oil Marine Terminal, Storage Facilities, and Pipelines Project SEIS/EIR
U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency
- Portions of EIS for North Boundary Containment/Decontamination System at Rocky Mountain Arsenal
U.S. Coast Guard
- EIS for the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port
- EIS for the Seadock Deepwater Port and Onshore Terminal Storage proposed in the Gulf of Mexico
U.S. General Services Administration
- EIS/EIR for Disposition of U.S. Air Force Base in Marin County, California
U.S. Minerals Management Service
- EIS for Point Arguello Field Development
- EIS for Point Pedernales Field Development
State/County/City Governments
California Public Utilities Commission
- Diablo Canyon Power Plant Steam Generator Replacement Project EIR
- EIS for an LNG Import Terminal Facility at Point Conception, California
California State Lands Commission
- Becker and Legacy Wells Abandonment and Remediation Project EIR
- Carpinteria Field Redevelopment Project EIR (Carone Project EIR)
- Chevron El Segundo Marine Terminal Lease Renewal Project EIR
- Ellwood Marine Terminal Lease Renewal Project EIR
- Venoco Ellwood Full Field Development Project EIR
City of Carpinteria
- Venoco Paredon Project EIR
City of Carson
- Oil Code Update and Oil and Gas Support
- Petroleum Administrator Services
City of Hermosa Beach
- E&B Oil Drilling and Production Project EIR
City of Whittier
- Whittier Main Oil Field EIR
County and City of San Luis Obispo
- Chevron Tank Farm Restoration and Redevelopment Project EIR
County of Los Angeles
- Baldwin Hills Community Standards District EIR
- Inglewood Oil Field CSD Compliance
- Oil and Gas Facility Compliance Review Project – Phase 3
- Oil and Gas Facility Compliance Review Project – Phase 2
- Oil and Gas Facility Compliance Review Project – Phase 1
- Termo North Aliso Canyon Project EIR
County of San Luis Obispo
- Avila Beach Cleanup Project EIR
- ConocoPhillips Refinery Throughput Increase Project EIR
- ConocoPhillips Santa Maria Refinery Rail Project EIR
- Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Fuel Installation EIR
- Excelaron Huasna Valley Oil Exploration and Production Project
- Guadalupe Oil Field Remediation and Abandonment EIR and Monitoring.
- MFS GlobenetWorldCom Fiber Optic Cable Project EIR
- Nacimiento Water Project EIR
- Phillips 66 Company Rail Spur Extension And Crude Unloading Project EIR And Vertical Coastal Access Project Assessment
County of Santa Barbara
- CEQA Support
- Chevon Point Arguello Field SEIR
- Chevon Point Arguello Field Q-6 Tankering Request
- EIR Sections for Santa Maria Pacific Drilling Production Plan / Laguna County Sanitation District Phase 3 Recycled Water Pipeline
- ERG Operating Company Foxen Petroleum Pipeline Project
- Exxon Santa Ynez Unit Expansion Project Supplemental EIR
- ExxonMobil Interim Trucking for Santa Ynez Unit (SYU) Phased Restart Project SEIR
- ExxonMobil Trucking Project
- Oil Transportation Economic Analysis
- Orcutt Hill Resource Enhancement Plan Project EIR
- PetroRock UCCB Project EIR
- PLAINS Pipeline Replacement EIR
- Point Arguello Field Project EIR/EIS
- Point Pedernales Field Project EIR/EIS
- Tranquillon Ridge Project EIR.
- Venoco Ellwood Full Field Development Project EIR
Kern County
- Alon Bakersfield Refinery Crude Flexibility Project EIR
Regional Water Quality Control Board – Central Coast Region
- Guadalupe and Avila Beach Cleanup Project EIRs
Santa Barbara County APCD
- Crew and Supply Boat Reciprocating Engine NOx Control
- Offshore Platform Gas Turbine NOx Control
Cook Hill Properties
- Montebello Hills Specific Plan
- Feasibility of Retrofit NOx Controls for an Offshore Oil Platform
- Environmental Permitting Support for Abandonment of Five Offshore Oil Platforms
Edison Pipeline and Terminal Company
Cajon/EPTC Pipeline Supplemental EIR/EIS
Air Products and Chemicals
- Permitting of a Hydrogen Plant in Carson, California
Elk Hills Power
- Permitting of a Combined Cycle Power Plant in Elk Hills, California.
Exxon Mobil, British Petroleum, and Statoil Consortium
- Emission Inventory