About Us
MRS is a small locally owned and staffed environmental consulting firm located in Santa Barbara, California. We have more than 30 years experience consulting, monitoring, and providing our clients with excellent service. Our clients range from local governmental agencies to private international companies. MRS and its staff have managed, consulted on, and contributed to projects across the state, nation, and world. MRS specializes in the management of complex, multi-disciplinary projects. Our personnel has a wide range of expertise in environmental studies and technical analysis, which enables us to excel at a broad spectrum of industry assignments. We utilize our issue area experience to develop and implement strategic planning to produce a quality product.
“Thanks to MRS, we were not only able to complete our settlement commitment with integrity but your work also helped us treat residents as full-fledged decision makers. Simply put, I could not be more pleased.”
“I can’t say enough for the knowledge, skill and professionalism you all demonstrated on what was one of the most challenging projects in my career.
We were very fortunate to have MRS assisting us. I don’t think any other consultant could have accomplished as much as you all have in such a short period of time.”
Executive Profiles
John F. Peirson, Jr.
Professional Background
Mr. Peirson is a Principal of MRS. Before joining MRS, he was a Principal in Arthur D. Little’s Environmental Health & Safety Practice and Director in their Santa Barbara and Ventura offices. For more than 25 years, Mr. Peirson has been extensively involved in preparing CEQA documents for various state and local agencies.
Mr. Peirson has been involved CEQA permitting activities since 1983. He has participated in the preparation and CEQA permitting of more than 60 major projects within California. Most of these projects have been very controversial and involved considerable work in developing permitting strategy. None of the EIR that John Peirson has led have ever been overturned in Court.
Mr. Peirson has provided more than 600 hours of testimony to local and state decision makers which have included Planning Commissions, Boards of Supervisors, the State Lands Commission and the California Coastal Commission. He also has extensive experience in working with local and state government staff in developing permit conditions and findings associated with development projects.
Mr. Peirson received his B.A. in Mathematics from Hartwick College with a minor in chemistry (1978). He also completed advanced studies in Chemical Engineering at Columbia University (1979).
Luis F. Perez
Professional Background
Mr. Perez is a Senior Project Manager with MRS. Before joining MRS, Mr. Perez acquired extensive public agency experience working for Santa Barbara County, which included interpretation of land use and environmental policies and regulations for large development projects, recommendations to decision-makers and public presentations. He was an Energy Specialist with the Santa Barbara County Energy Division for 16 years, working on permitting and environmental review for onshore and offshore oil and gas projects. He has worked in his field for almost 20 years. Mr. Perez is involved with the management and preparation of environmental studies, primarily focusing on the implementation of CEQA for oil and gas development projects in California.
Mr. Perez has been involved in oil and gas development projects in California since 1991. His major areas of expertise are in project management, environmental review, and land use issues of major oil and gas development and transportation projects. Mr. Perez has extensive experience in the preparation of environmental documents, staff reports for decision-makers, presentation for decision-makers, public workshops and hearings.
Mr. Perez received his M.A. in Organizational Management from Fielding Graduate University and received a B.A. in Environmental Science and Public Relations from Northern Arizona University
Greg Chittick
Professional Background
Mr. Chittick is a Senior Scientist with Marine Research Specialists with more than 20 years of experience specializing in safety, risk, air quality analysis, noise, aesthetics, and GIS systems. At MRS, he has been involved in preparing air quality studies and environmental impact assessments, environmental technology studies, computer mapping analysis, modeling accidental releases of hazardous materials, and conducting risk analysis studies for small and large facilities.
Mr. Chittick previously worked at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory on studies related to building energy efficiency. Mr. Chittick also worked for more than 10 years with Arthur D. Little, Inc., based in Boston, on risk and EIR analysis. Mr. Chittick is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Southern California Association of Risk Analysis, the Chlorine Institute, and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration.
In 1985, Mr. Chittick received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara; in 1987, he received an M.S. in Mechanical and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.
Risk Management Program Handbook, Accidental Release Prevention Under the 1990 Clean Air Act, Contributing author, Thompson Publishing Group, Washington DC, August 1997.
Chemical Incident Data Helps Facilities Manage RMP, Contributing author, Thompson Publishing Group.
Ted Mullen
Professional Background
Mr. Mullen has also managed large-scale monitoring programs with specific emphasis on issues concerning sensitive wildlife species. He has many years of experience with sensitive species protection plans and technical exchange meetings with industry and agency representatives. He conducted field surveys in more than 20 states and has conducted sensitive species surveys or prepared management plans for tidewater goby, desert tortoise, California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, southwestern pond turtle, American badger, San Joaquin kit fox, light-footed clapper rail, Belding’s savannah sparrow, western snowy plover, southwestern willow flycatcher, and burrowing owl. He managed the research and reporting on a desert tortoise mitigation project, managed biological resources inventories on Vandenberg AFB, supervised field crews on a pipeline project spanning three states, and participated in creating and implementing a monitoring plan for an extensive California pipeline project.
Mr. Mullen served as the Onsite Environmental Coordinator at the Unocal Guadalupe Oil Field in support of San Luis Obispo County, California Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Mr. Mullen managed the onsite monitoring efforts of the long-term oil field clean-up remediation project.
Mr. Mullen received his M.A. in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara (1990) and his B.S. in Biology from Loyola Marymount University (1987).
Cletis England
Professional Background
Cletis England joined MRS in the spring of 2010 as a Senior Biologist. Prior to joining our team, Mr. England served as an Ecologist and Assistant Project Manager for URS Corporation in Santa Maria, California. His duties as the lead field biologist included preparing Biological Assessments, AFC, and Environmental Impact Reports, as well as conducting habitat assessment and vegetation mapping. His responsibilities also included tracking permitting and project compliance and supervising biological survey logistics and planning. In addition, Mr. England marketed company assets and developed new business relationships.
Mr. England has also served as the Land Rehabilitation Coordinator for Colorado State University, coordinating rehabilitation sites, erosion control programs, and long-term revegetation plans. He also identified and monitored invasive species treatment areas and developed effective control methods.
Mr. England also worked as a Field Biologist, preparing Biological Assessments, monitoring residential and commercial developments, conducting state and federal protocol survey and special status species habitat assessment. He also has experience creating GIS habitat maps and site plans for environmental planning.
As a Fish Habitat Biologist for the Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department, Mr. England evaluated and monitored Coho salmon and anadromous fish habitat as well as handled and assessed wild and hatchery fish at traps and weirs. Mr. England prepared proposals and grant applications for project funding and provided technical support, generated GIS maps, and organized documents. He also supervised, trained, and evaluated technicians for multiple projects.
Mr. England also worked as a Fish and Wildlife Scientific Aid for the California Department of Fish and Game, where he trained and supervised aids in project survey protocols for the High Mountain Lakes Project. In addition to coordinating wilderness excursion, Mr. England tagged and herded fish, planted eggs and hatchery fish, and worked in electrofshing streams.
Mr. England earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Ecology and Systematic Biology, with a concentration in Wildlife Biology, in 2000 from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo, California. In 1994, Mr. England earned an Associate’s Degree in Biology from Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo, California.
Additional Training
Mr. England holds a California Department of Fish and Game Botanical Collection Permit and his application for a Scientific Collection Permit is currently pending.
Dean Dusette
Professional Background
Mr. Dusette is a Senior Scientist with MRS. Before joining MRS, Mr. Dusette was a Senior Planner working for Santa Barbara County at the Energy & Minerals Division for 10 years. Mr. Dusette’s public agency work at Santa Barbara County included project management, permitting, environmental review, permit condition compliance, field inspections and environmental data analysis for oil and gas projects. Additional public agency experience included preparation and management of a variety of CEQA documents, staff reports, recommendations to decision makers and public presentations. Mr. Dusette has worked on oil and gas related projects in California for 25 years.
Prior to working with Santa Barbara County, Mr. Dusette spent 15 years working as an environmental consultant on a variety of environmental analysis and environmental compliance projects in California, Texas and Alaska. His major areas of expertise include environmental permitting and permit compliance, data analysis, report preparation, and environmental impact assessment. Mr. Dusette has prepared and managed air quality permits for local, state and federal agencies.
Mr. Dusette worked as a contract technical expert to the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District providing air quality and meteorological monitoring data quality assurance/quality control reviews and as field auditor of air and meteorological monitoring stations. Mr. Dusette also provided technical review and auditor services for air monitoring stations for the State of Texas. Mr. Dusette’s environmental monitoring experience includes the preparation and implementation of Surface Water Quality Management Programs, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and Ground Water Management Plans.
Mr. Dusette received his B.A in Geography from the University of California Santa Barbara. Mr. Dusette is a CalEPA Registered Environmental Assessor and has 40 Hour Hazwoper Certification. Mr. Dusette is a certified Professional Association of Diving Instructors Divemaster (PADI DM#93354).
Lauren Brown
Professional Background
Ms. Brown is a Senior Botanist with more than 25 years’ experience conducting biological surveys, habitat/vegetation mapping, and monitoring for sensitive species protection and habitat recovery; coordinating and consulting with federal, state and local regulatory agencies on scope and impact of projects; and preparing planning documents such as environmental impact reports, initial studies, and mitigated negative declarations. She has considerable expertise in delineation of wetlands throughout California using the USACE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual, the 2008 Supplement for the Arid West Region, and the 2010 Supplement for Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast Region, and all State and local requirements. Additional resources include familiarity with different types of wetland functional assessments, and completion of the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) training for Riverine, Estuarine, and Vernal Pool Modules.
Ms. Brown is an active member of the California Native Plant Society San Luis Obispo Chapter, previously served on the State Board of Directors and as San Luis Obispo Chapter President, and received the Hoover Award from the San Luis Obispo Chapter as recognition for long-time volunteer service to the organization. As a volunteer, she provides information to local organizations on native and invasive plant issues, including docent led hikes and presentations at workshops and meetings. Ms. Brown also represents CNPS as a member of the Dune Restoration Task Force, a group of property managers, agency representatives, and local experts that come together to provide recommendations for restoration and long-term management of the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes.
Ms. Brown earned her B.S degree in Ecology and Systematic Biology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, graduating in 1991. She has her 40-hour HAZWOPER certification and is current with the required annual 8-hour refresher and Certificate of Completion for Adult First Aid/CPR/AQED from the American Red Cross.
Nicole Trezza
Professional Background
Ms. Trezza joined MRS in the fall of 2019 as a Scientist.
Ms. Trezza received her B.S. in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara (2019).
Haley Garrow
Professional Background
Ms. Garrow joined MRS in 2024.
Ms. Garrow received her B.S. in Environmental Earth and Soil Science from the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
Professional Experience
Ms. Garrow worked as an Associate Geologist/Hydrogeologist
● Supervised sampling events and provided analytical data validation and database management
for soil, vapor, groundwater, and surface water samples. Familiar with PFAS-related sampling
● Prepared various project site documents including work plans, monitoring reports, and closure
● Compiled and cataloged historical documentation and created permit-specific matrices as
evidence for close out of permitting conditions.
● Responsible for issuing Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) and ensuring compliance with the
Construction General Permit through weekly and qualifying rain event inspections