CEQA Expertise
Our consultants are experts in CEQA Analysis, with extensive experience completing EIRs, MNDs and NDs for a range of projects. MRS staff has prepared more than 100 environmental reviews and technical studies, with extensive experience testifying before decision makers in CEQA case law. Our core competencies include technical analysis of issue areas including hazardous materials, land use planning, air quality, biology, geology, noise, traffic, decommissioning of oil and gas facilities, and more.
Air Quality Analysis
Extensive experience conducting air quality analysis for projects localed in the SCAQMD, VCAPCD, SBCAPCD, SLOAPCD, and BAAQMD jurisdictions. Includes estimates of emissions, health risk, hot spots, GHG emissions and odors. Wide range of emissions sources from a range of industries, including industrial, residential, mobile sources, construction and oil and gas. Emission estimates utilizing a variety of criteria, toxic, and risk assessment models.
Mitigation Monitoring
Development and implementation of CEQA-related mitigation monitoring programs, including in-field monitoring to ensure 24-hour compliance. We offer field investigation in response to public complaints and compliance issues.
Risk Assessments
Expertise in the application of quantitative risk assessments, including hazardous materials releases, impacts to workers and the public, transportation risk assessments, highway and rail transportation of hazardous materials. Spill risk assessments of hazardous material pipelines, truck, rail and marine transportation situations.
Construction Monitoring
Experience monitoring construction site activities for compliance with conditions of approval, regulatory requirements, storm water requirements, dust and air quality requirements and CEQA related mitigation measures.
Biological Monitoring and Assessments
Extensive experience with in-field biological monitoring, including surveys, construction and operations monitoring related to botany, migratory bird compliance, tiger salamander compliance, and marine resources.
Land Use Planning
Experience in land use plans and policies, permit applications, ordinances, development of mitigation measures and permit conditions, and public presentations.
Noise Analysis
Modeling of noise impacts using SoundPlan modeling software to assess the potential noise impacts of proposed projects and activities. The SoundPlan model can account for terrain, meteorological effects as well as acoustic band analysis. We provide in-field noise monitoring and compliance, with both short- and long-term capabilities. Field monitoring utilizes Larsen-Davis type-1 meters with monitoring of acoustic parameters and sound recording to correlate noise sources.