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MRS has extensive experience providing the following biological services:
Environmental Impact Analysis & Mitigation Monitoring Plans
Strong technical writing skills in support of NEPA/CEQA documents such as Biological Assessments, Environmental Impact Reports/Statements, Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and technical reports. Knowledge of regulatory compliance documentation and producing permit applications in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations and permitting requirements.
Agency Coordination/Consultation
(Scope and Impact of Projects)
Experienced with coordinating and consulting with federal, state and local regulatory agencies on scope and impact of projects, and partnering with planning team members and managers to gather data and prepare materials for documents and presentations.
Botanical & Wildlife Biological Surveys
Extensive experience conducting botanical and wildlife resources surveys including special status species surveys, tree inventories, and habitat assessments for sensitive plant or wildlife species or natural communities of concern.
Habitat Restoration & Restoration Monitoring
Experience preparing Habitat Restoration, Mitigation, and Monitoring Plans, including development of performance criteria and maintenance and monitoring requirements. Also experienced with monitoring for habitat restoration and recovery including assessment of final performance criteria and determining if mitigation requirements are met.
Habitat/Vegetation Mapping
Extensive experience in mapping plant communities and wildlife habitats using various federal, state, and local classification systems, as well as providing a species inventory and mapping and assessing rare plant populations and invasive plant species.
Monitoring for Sensitive Species Protection
Over 25 years’ experience monitoring for protection of sensitive plant and wildlife species and natural communities of concern.
Wetland Delineation Specialization
More than 20 years of experience delineating wetlands and other US waters in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements. Also experienced with wetland functional assessments and the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for monitoring the conditions of wetlands in California.
MRS Environmental proudly staffs a brilliant biological team. Read more about our team here.